Do you Know About Animal Incinerators: Safeguarding the Environment and Emotions
Incinerator suppliers receive an increasing number of inquiries from poultry units looking to reduce their stock disposal costs as well as biosecurity risks associated with farm-to-farm collection. Incinerators are beneficial for any livestock farm. In the poultry sector, suitable holdings include broiler farms, layer units or hatcheries. We asked Alex Billingsley, a supplier from Inciner8, to describe the advantages and common pitfalls of setting up a farm unit.
These systems are powered by liquefied petrol gas (LPG), diesel, gas or a combination of both. They also require a single-phase or triple-phase connection. The models range in size from 10kg/hour to 700kg/hour. One of the most common errors is buying the wrong machine capacity for the needs of a farm. When you want to incinerate your waste as efficiently and effectively as possible, bigger is not always better.
Overfilling can occur when a machine is unable to meet the throughput required animal incinerator. This can prevent combustion by choking the chamber with air. What you need to know is how much waste can be put into the primary chamber. You also need to determine the burn time and the cleaning schedule.
To determine the best machine, it is important to know the size of your farm and the mortality rate. Selecting the right location is crucial for anyone who wants to install an incinerator. It can make the difference between requiring or not requiring planning permission. What about licensing and planning permission? Local authorities should be informed of any planned installation, and instructions must be followed.
If the machine has a low capacity or is below 50kg/hour, no planning permission is required. To obtain the license for these incinerators you must submit a request to Defra along with their latest guidelines. It can take 6-12 months to plan, but it could be longer if the application is complex or contested. It is best to use a local expert in planning to ensure that the process goes smoothly. There are very few objections to on-farm waste incinerators, as they adhere to Defra guidelines.
Only in densely populated areas or around sites surrounded by tall trees or other structures is there a chance of opposition. The incinerator may need to be extended if the surrounding structures are tall. planning may be needed to accommodate the extra height, but again, this varies widely depending on the authority. When farmers raise concerns or object, they are usually motivated by a lack of understanding.
Incinerators are often associated with smoke, and people tend to view them as a bad solution. However, once the benefits of modern, efficient incinerators are explained, this perception can be quickly dispelled. Incinerators should be placed away from any accommodation, watercourses or other highly flammable materials. The unit must be protected from the weather by a well-ventilated rigid shelter. The installation site must have a continuous electrical supply.
The weight of the machine will vary from one site to another. Incinerators must be mounted onto a concrete base that can support the weight of their chosen model. The foundation should be 50cm in depth with a minimum of 20cm. A qualified gas installer must connect the machine if using gas. The proposed location must have a continuous electrical supply and an alternate power source in the event of a power outage. For easy maintenance, it is recommended to leave 2m on each side of the incinerator.